Las Mañanitas Condos support general information for everyone interested in our community. Anyone can register for an account.
It also supports people who want services from the site, depending on the status of membership:
- Subscriber - folks who simply want to receive the occasional newsletter. (All the other "status" roles can opt into newsletters, too.)
- Renter - folks who want content meant for residents of the condos and access to some of the forms requesting certain services.
- Owner - owners of Unit in Las Mañanitas, who get access to financial and other information restricted to Owners.
- Property Managers, Rental Agents, and Listing Realtors - will be given read-only access to Renter or Owner information, as specified by the Owner.
- Board - members of the Board, the Community Manager, the HOA attorney and CPA, all of whom get access to policy and procedure under development and project-level data (contracts, etc.)